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We Specialize in Brand Development, Graphic Design and Visual Content Creation

Get to Know Us

Our team is a collective of designers, content creators, project managers and strategists. We join your team when you need us and then set you up for success. This helps keep costs lower and projects move more smoothly. You get the talent you need, when you need it without the overhead or a marketing firm or agency. 

Our Head of Studio

Elizabeth Hummel, LEED AP ID+C, CPD

What every startup or small company needs is the sales and marketing equivalent of a Swiss Army Knife.  Elegant in its efficiency. Flexible and capable of multi-tasking or mono-tasking in sequence.  Capable of celebrating wins (Corkscrew) as well as digging out solutions (Penknife) with equal apple.  In seriousness, I have 20 years of experience in marketing from product launches to digital campaigns to brand development to face-to-face marketing.   I understand demand generation and am comfortable not only running arms but programming them and the campaigns that go along with a modern sales initiative.  I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, filing in for a MIA subcontractor or presenting strategy to investors.  I have developed scripts, go-to-market messaging, guided sales and customer service teams alike I have built, used, maintained and run outbound marketing campaigns from Zoho and Hubspot. Let's talk about how we can help your team achieve their sales and marketing goals.

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